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Programs & Services

Information about our programs and services.


Each class receives one or two thirty-minute library periods per week. Students are encouraged to sign out books of their choosing to enjoy during SQUIRT, free time and at home.   Lost and damaged books must be paid for.  The replacement cost of the book is charged.  Students are notified in June of any lost books they must pay for.  Should the missing item later be found, a refund will be issued for the amount paid. 


 Resource Room

The resource room program is designed to support the instructional needs of students who learn differently due to a variety of exceptionalities in learning styles and strengths.  The resource room teacher works with the classroom teacher to determine when a child enters and leaves the resource room program.  Parents are notified by the classroom teacher and/or the resource room teacher when their child is attending the resource room.  The learning resource teacher will also be working in the classrooms.


Milk Program

Fresh 2% white milk and chocolate milk are available to students during the lunch hour.  Parents have the option of buying cards of tickets or children may purchase on a daily basis.  The cost per drink is $2.00.  Milk cards consisting of 18 tickets are available for $20.00.


Safety Patrol - cancelled due to COVID

Students in Grades 4 & 5 are encouraged to volunteer their time at 12:00 and 3:30 for the Safety Patrol.  Students volunteer in September and are assigned one week blocks throughout the year. .


Field Trips

Teachers may take students on educational field trips and tours during the year and at year end.  Students may have to bring money to cover transportation, lunch and/ or admissions.  Extra adult supervision is required for any class trips taken by the students.  The responsibility of these extra adults is to ensure the safety of the students and to make sure the students get the most educational value out of the trip.  The school will determine the number of supervisors required and communicate this information to parents.  These trips are for the benefit of the students and we strongly discourage bringing other siblings along.  Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. 


 Swimming, Skating, Curling and Bowling - Students participate in various activities within Kelvington as part of the Physical Education Program.  From January to March students walk to the Kelvington Arena to skate for one hour each week.  Students are expected to have their own skates.  Helmets are required.  We appreciate parents coming to the rink to help tie skates.  During April and May students participate in bowling one day per week with each class bowling approximately 4 times.  No special equipment is needed for this activity.  The swimming program takes place at the Kelvington Swimming Pool in June.  Dates and times are sent home prior to starting.  Please label bathing suit and towel with the child's name.  Grades 4 and 5 students participate in the curling program in January/February.  Students are taught various curling skills and end off with a bonspiel.  Students are expected to bring their own curling broom.  Helmets are required. These activities are part of the Physical Education program and student fees help to cover the cost of each facility rental. 


 Band Program

All students in grades four and five participate in the band program. Instruments are demonstrated and students get the opportunity to try clarinet, flute, saxophone, trombone, and trumpet.  Students have group lessons twice in a six-day cycle for one hour.  Students are required to look after their instrument and to report any problems or damage promptly to their teacher. The band may put on two concerts each year – Christmas and May, and participate in the Quill Plains Music Festival at the discretion of the band instructor.


 Special Services


The counselor provides one-on-one counseling with students and works with individual families, community/regional agencies, and the Student Services Team – all within a confidential setting and manner.  The counselor may assist with accessing helpful resources within the community.  Participation in this counseling program is voluntary and may be initiated by the student, parent or teacher.  Parents are encouraged to contact the school if their children are experiencing non-academic problems. Parents need to sign a letter of consent.  


 Speech and Language Pathologist

Speech and Language pathologists offer services for articulation, communication, language, voice, swallowing, fluency, hearing, social language, resonance, assistive technology, and auditory processing.


 Occupational Therapy

OTs consider a child's occupation at school to be learning (academics and social).  When a child is not reading their full potential because of gross motor, fine motor, visual processing, ocular motor, sensory processing or self-regulation skills, an OT will join the multi-disciplinary team to problem solve and program plan for that child.